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The Feeling of Being Part of the Community Again
The Feeling of Being Part of the Community Again
thanks to a Macmillan Support Worker

£132 could pay for a Macmillan support worker for a day, helping people living with cancer receive the support they need. They could help people set and achieve their recovery goals, whether that’s helping someone whose job makes them feel useful get back to work after treatment, helping someone else whose faith gives them solace get back to their place of worship after months of isolation or helping another person whose swimming makes them feel more like themselves get back into the local pool.

'Tracey, my support worker, is always a pleasure to see. She’s always encouraging me to take up one of the courses that they offer to help cancer patients and their families.'

Michelle, diagnosed with breast cancer

Your donation will help us to do whatever it takes for people living with cancer. Funds from your donation won’t be limited to the specific gift you choose, but will go towards areas of our work that need it most.

The Feeling of Being Part of the Community Again

Regular price £132.00